Who can possibly be this type A? Who can possibly only ever see the thing that is not right...not just so...not the WAY IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE?
Well, I guess that would be me.
Me. That lady with 5 kids who are great. A really nice house. A great husband. Lots of blessings. All of which I see and am truly grateful for. SO, WHY WHY WHY am I such a debbie downer half the time? Do I have any idea how blessed I am? Yup. SO, again...I ask: Why can't I just be, um...content?
My Mom and I dissected this tonight and we came up with a few possibles. None of which I care to share. Suffice it to say I have issues. Ones that truly need some resolution. Is it possible to become a squiggle if you're really a square?
Man...I'd really love to be a squiggle.
How exactly does one become a squiggle from a square? Should I de-alphabetize my spices? Jumble my clothes so they are not in color/sleeve (or pant...or skirt) length order? Unschool my kids? How exactly does one RELEASE the pressure valve that type A seems to have me under?
I've GOT IT.
I'm moving into an RV. In a warm climate. With no yard.
Crap, that won't do it. My hair would NEVER be clean with that crappy water pressure. And what would I do with all those alphabetized spices?
Ok...plan B.
I am going to post one thing every day that I am grateful for. One thing that God has blessed me with.
Starting right now.
I am grateful for this house. Every square inch of it. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful.
type a, checking out for now...
clan mac mama