Ah, I bet you are sitting at your computer, hunched over like the rest of us with the terrible posture that would make my Nana poke you in the back...wondering why on earth you should read my ramblings. I've got only one answer for you...in view of the fact that I happen to be a bit of a wackadoo, my musings can be your evidence that you are completely normal, thus relieving you of the fear that you have gone loco. Leave that part to me. Oh, and I love to use the thesaurus, as I have an affinity for elocution and a deep seated, albeit odd obsession with grandiose language.
So dig in and be prepared...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I love rainy Saturdays...

or any rainy day at all. Now and forever.
Most people think Southern California has perfect weather...
70 - 80 degrees...
no rain...
no thunderstorms...
it was torture. (save for the Nordstrom's a mere 20 minutes away...and Baja Fresh, oh and Rubios, and let's not forget In-n-Out Burger...I digress.)

For a weather-phile, such as myself...

There is something amazingly comforting about waking up to...
skies drenched in the color of putty,
grass soaked in the droplets of the tears of God,
trees swaying in His breath,
quiet, save for the sound of the laughter of my children.
My greatest gift.

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